Choice Healing – Options for Continuing or Beginning Energy Treatments During Emergency

Hi all. I hope this message finds you and yours well, or as well as can be expected, given the new reality we are currently experiencing. You and I know what we are facing here and I am not going to go into it, we are going through this experience together simultaneously and are experiencing it individually and as a global consciousness too, so I understand. Choice Healing has remained and will continue to remain very active during this time, providing opportunities and choices to compassionately support and empower anyone who wishes to continue on their wellness path with energy therapy and anyone wishing to try something new. Choice Healing has been especially focussed on setting up the ability to provide free distant group energy treatments to whoever wishes to avail in our local communities and beyond during this situation.

This time of restricted movements, increasing physical isolation and staying at home brings forth the necessity and opportunity to bring the topic and practice of distant treatments from it being a rarely preferred option compared to an in-person treatment to the absolutely only way to give and receive a treatment. This not only will challenge some practitioners to rise to a new way of working, it also brings forth to the receiver a fresh opportunity to experience the subtle power, versatility, effectiveness and limitless applications of energy therapy.

Please read on to see the choices open to you and your loved ones to avail of distant treatments and also a little information on distant treatments in case it’s a new concept for you.


Free Public Group Distant Treatments

Choice Healing has joined with 10 other energy therapists, 8 of these from Lusk and 2 from further afield to form the Many Hands Lightworkers Group, which is dedicated to conducting free group distant energy therapy healing treatments to people, groups, communities, situations and life in the spirit of compassion, healing, support and unity as we experience current life as a global consciousness. This group has originally been set up to support during the corona virus pandemic. We come together virtually daily at 16:30 and 21:30.   In order to avail of this, please click on the Facebook link above and join the group. The feedback from groups in receipt of this so far has been very positive in terms of relaxation and an improved sense of ease, calm and connectedness.

Please like and share to get the word out there and share with your family and friends so they can join to receive too. Also, if you are an energy therapist that wishes to join the group as a practitioner, click to join the group and PM or comment and we’ll get back to you. Also we encourage you to share some feedback to us in terms of effectiveness and your experience of it as the practitioners will learn a lot from this.


Free Private Group Distant Treatments

All of Choice Healings’ previous and current clients can avail of a free private group distant treatment facilitated just by me (not the larger group of practitioners). This will be a weekly group distant treatment that will take place every Wednesday at 21:30 for 30-45 minutes. To avail of this, clients just need to contact me directly for inclusion.


Personal Distant Treatments

If you wish to have a personal 1-1 distant treatment, please contact me directly and we can go from there. Normally all of my treatments are €50/hour but as it is new for people and harder times on the pocket I am reducing the price by 40% to a baseline of €30/hour, but by all means give me a shout to discuss as I want to support anyone who needs it and don’t want anybody to be left out.


How to Receive a Distant Treatment

In reality, you do not have to do anything at all to receive or experience the treatment, once you are included in the group or once you have arranged the 1 to 1 treatment, there’s nothing for you to do. However, I believe that in order for you to max out on the treatment for yourself, you could set aside some time to sit back, relax and consciously intend to openly receive and experience the treatment. Maybe have some relaxing music on and place your hands on your body just above the navel and over the heart centre. You could even go a step further and arrange to do this simultaneously with the treatment being conducted. This won’t impact the effectiveness of the treatment, only potentially enhance your own personal experience of it.

I hope you agree that there is something there for you and everyone who wishes to avail of the opportunity (however limiting) that our current scenario is driving. I’d love to hear if you have any comments or ideas to share about all or any of the above.

With love and light,



Remote or Distant Treatments

One of the most amazing features of Reiki and other energy therapies is the ability to direct it over distance and time. It requires absolutely no more effort to send reiki across the globe that it does to send it through our palm chakras as we lay our hands on a client.

Reiki and other energy therapies have a base in the idea that an unseen “life force energy” flows through everything in the universe and is what animates us and causes us to be alive. It has an innate intelligence, has unlimited potential with no limit to its’ quality or the quantity and has the ability to be sent over distance and time, to the far corners of the universe and into the smallest cell particles known to man, to a past hurt and to a future event. Therefore, distance and time do not interfere with effectiveness, strength, power or how much is drawn/sent.

For the more left brained among you, distance reiki works according to the “Hermetic Law of Similarity” which holds that we are all connected, as we are all energy matter and part of a larger whole. Quantum Physics is also beginning to shed light on associated phenomena, Einstein was the first to observe interactions between objects separated in space with no observable mediator of their communication, which he called “spooky action at a distance”. Referred to these day as “non-locality”, it suggests that the universe is profoundly different from our traditional understanding of it and that once presumed separate parts of the universe are actually potentially connected in an intimate and immediate way, shattering the older Newtonian view of separateness with a new understanding based on a connectedness, realising that underpinning our universe, is a heaving sea of energy, a limitless quantum field. Quantum non-locality indicates that information is subtly but effectively communicated in the quantum field, an exchange that is both instant, enduring and independent of space and time.

Scientists are now realising that the answer to the question of life and our physical perception lies in the energetic make up of all things. Einstein himself in his expression of his famous equation E=mc², which in lay-mans’ terms means energy is equal to mass multiplied by the speed of light shows, that in fact, all matter is energy, and everything is made up of energy.

Deepak Chopra writes that – “Every thought, feeling, and emotion creates a molecule known as a neuropeptide. Neuropeptides travel throughout your body and hook onto receptor sites of cells and neurons. Your brain takes in the information, converts it into chemicals, and lets your whole body know if there’s trouble in the world or cause for celebration. Your body is directly influenced as these molecules course through the bloodstream, delivering the energetic effect of whatever your brain is thinking and feeling.”

All matter, thoughts and feelings and actions have their own vibrational frequency. What your conscious mind habitually dwells on becomes firmly imbedded within the subconscious mind and becomes the dominant vibration which sets up a resonance with other similar vibrations and draws them into your life. Every thought that you have causes a reaction in the brain, triggering a response in the endocrine system causing physiological changes in your body. This too contributes to your dominant vibrations. Your vibrational frequency pings out to the universe affecting everything around you – your environment, the people and animals around you, the inanimate objects, even the seemingly ‘empty’ space and they, in turn, affect you.

So, if everything vibrates with frequency and everything is connected to everything else, then of course an energy frequency such as Ki or reiki can travel through this vibrational connectedness.

For information from the HSE in terms of “Minding your mental health during the coronavirus outbreak”, please click the link below: