August 20, 2018

Crystal Healing

Crystal healing Dublin

What are Crystals?

A crystal is a solid body with a geometrically regular shape, meaning that it’s identification as a crystal refers to the geometrically regular shape of it’s internal structure, built from one of seven possible geometric forms (triangles, squares, rectangles, hexagons, rhomboids, parallelograms, trapeziums) and into a 3-dimensional shape (trigonal, cubic, tetragonal, hexagonal, orthorhombic, monoclinic and triclinic crystals).  

Created as the earth formed and subject to many different aspects of formation, from extreme pressures to geodes, from being drip formed to being layed down in layers and formed from any of a wide range of minerals, each type of crystal has it’s own vibrational frequency or note.  A solid form being referred to as a crystal refers to it’s unique orderly and repeating geometric crystal lattice (it’s 3-dimensional geometric arrangement of the atoms, molecules or ions composing the crystal).  It’s classification as a particular crystal is based on it’s internal structure rather than its’mineral make-up.  Whilst the external form, size, shape and colour of a specific type of crystal may vary, it’s internal crystalline form is constant, uniform and unchanging.


Crystals are built from one of seven possible geometric forms (triangles, squares, rectangles, hexagons, rhomboids, parallelograms, trapeziums) built into a 3-dimensional shape(trigonal, cubic, tetragonal, hexagonal, orthorhombic, monoclinic and triclinic crystals).  At the heart of these 3-D crystalline shapes are the atoms and their component smaller particles, the protons, neutrons, and electrons, in constant motion, constantly vibrating at a specific frquency, giving the crystal it’s energy.  Whatever of the forms the crystal takes, their crystaline structure can absorb, transmute, store, emit and focus energy, especially on the electro-magnetic waveband and are capable of receiving, containing, projecting, emanating, refracting, and reflecting light, which is the highest form of energy known in the physical universe.  All matter and all of the entire physical world is created from different variations and combinations of these atoms and so everything is vibrating at a different frequency and speed. This is also true in every cell, organ and vessel in the physical human body as well as for our enrgy field, our subtle bodies or our aura that surrounds, penetrates, and binds all aspects of the person in a constant state of flux and in a perpetual state of activity.

How does Crystal Therapy Heal?

The Human Energy Field is constantly and continuously taking in and sending out vibrating energy waves through openings in the human energy field (also known as the aura) otherwise known as chakras, which can rotate at different speeds.  It is widely believed that crystals may act as amplifiers when brought into contact with the human body’s chakra points and can work to support healing and balancing of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of a person. When healing and balancing the chakras, appropraite crystals are placed on or about the chakras on the front (or back, if appropriate) of the body, above the head and below the feet. During the treatments the practitioner places hands gently over specific points on the client’s body, there is no pressure or manipulation applied.