August 21, 2018

Reiki Dublin

What is Reiki

Reiki is safe, non-intrusive, gentle but powerful hands-on healing technique, used to promote healing and help restore balance and harmony to the whole person.  Reiki originated in Japan and is a holistic system for healing, balancing and harmonising the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of the person.

What does the word Reiki mean?

The word Reiki (pronounced ray-key) is Japanese and is made up of two Japanese words- Rei which means “God’s Wisdom” and Ki which means “Life-Force Energy”, so Reiki is actually ” God-Directed Life-Force Energy”.  Reiki comes from God (or the Source, the Creator, the All That Is) and is therefor of the higher intelligence which guides the creation and functioning of the Universe, is all-knowing and thus understands the need for and cause of all problems and difficulties as well as how to heal them.  Reiki, therefore refers to a specific band or frequency of healing energy, directed by that Higher Intelligence for your highest healing and your highest good.

What is a Reiki Treatment?

A Reiki treatment is a very relaxing, non invasive hands-on treatment taking anything from about one hour to an hour and a half.  During a Reiki treatment the client remains fully clothed (except sometimes for shoes), lies down on a comfortable treatment table and are most often covered with a light blanket.  During a Reiki treatment the practitioner places his or her hands gently over specific points on the client’s body, there is no pressure or manipulation applied and no sensitive (private) parts of the body is touched.  The role of the practitioner in a Reiki treatment is to channel the universal Reiki energy to the client by facilitating the flow of this energy to others.




Choice Healing, crystal healing and angel healing


During a Reiki treatment certain sensations may be experienced by the client as the Reiki energy flows out the practitioners hands such as feeling sensations like heat, tingling or coolness and most people feel very relaxed, warm and peaceful as the energy flows through them.  It can be common to find that the this warm and peaceful relaxation allows people to fall asleep during a treatment.   Sometimes Reiki brings emotions related to old issues to the surface in order to be released, sometimes people feel empowered and energised immediately after a treatment, whilst others feel very relaxed and balanced with a sense of peace, security and wellbeing.  However it is experienced, the Reiki energy will always present itself according to how the person needs to perceive it.

Some reasons why people have Reiki treatments:

  • To increase energy levels
  • To improve health challenges
  • To reduce stress
  • To help during times of major change
  • To give comfort in times of bereavement
  • To accelerate the healing process after surgery
  • To accelerate the healing process with orthopedic injuries
  • As a method of preventative health care
  • To pamper oneself
  • For pain relief
  • To overcome fears
  • To relax and rejuvenate


What can be treated with Reiki?

Many symptoms and conditions can be eased very quickly with Reiki, whilst others may need a lot of treatments before responding.  No two cases are the same and one cannot predict what results individual people will get from this energy.  Reiki is of the higher intelligence which guides the creation and functioning of the Universe, is all-knowing and thus understands the need for and cause of all problems and difficulties as well as how to heal them.  It is this higher intelligence plus the subconscious desires of the person in receipt of the Reiki energy that will determine whether the energy is taken in or not and what the effect of the treatment is.

Reiki has unlimited potential, so anything can be treated, but it can also be important not to have specific conscious expectations of what the affect will be and how fast it will have an affect.  Reiki works on babies, animals and on unconscious patients who have no conscious awareness about Reiki. The acceptance of the Reiki energy during a Reiki treatment operates below conscious thought.  Healing depends upon the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual states of the individual and Reiki will work to heal, harmonise and balance on all of these levels, sometimes working on healing the causative levels such as suppressed anger first, before it will heal on the physical level.  The innate intelligence of Reiki adjusts itself to the recipient so that each person receives exactly what he or she needs.

Reiki therapy Dublin

The effects of Reiki:

Reiki can transform your life in many powerful and wonderful ways and always creates a beneficial effect. Reiki balances and harmonises the whole energy body, promoting a sense of wholeness, a state of positive wellness, and an overall feeling of well-being. On a physical level, Reiki supports and accelerates the natural ability of the body to heal itself, alleviating symptoms such as pain while cleansing the body of poisons and toxins. It also helps develop a greater awareness of what your body really needs – such as an exercise programme, more sleep or more balanced nutrition. On an emotional level, Reiki allows you to let go of negative emotions and insecurities and promotes the qualities of love, peace, security and wellbeing allowing you to create a better response rather than re-action to the world. Mentally, Reiki leads to a state of deep relaxation, consequently releasing stress, allowing you to replace negative thoughts, concepts and attitudes with positivity, joy and peace. Reiki can also enhance intuitive abilities and encourage a greater sense of self-awareness. Spiritually, Reiki helps you to accept and love your whole self, promoting the qualities of love, compassion, understanding and acceptance, and encourages you on your personal path towards spiritual development and connectedness with the Divine.


Is Reiki a religion and do I have to believe in Reiki in order for it to work?

No, although Reiki is spiritual in nature, can help people to get in touch with who they are on a deep level and link them to their core essence and desires, Reiki is not a religion, has no dogma and is not dependent on belief at all in order to work.   Reiki is practiced throughout the world by people of all religious persuasions and belief systems and is something that can benefit everyone.  Reiki promotes the qualities of love, compassion, understanding and acceptance, and encourages you on your personal path towards spiritual development and connectedness with the Divine, regardless of which religion or belief system you subscribe to.  People of all creeds and belief systems have found that practicing or using Reiki has actually allowed them to experience their religion more, having only experienced it on an intellectual level previously.