Reiki guidelines to promote a healthy, loving way of living – Do Not Worry

Hi all, this is the second instalment in a series of posts where we will explore the 5 Reiki Precepts and applying them in the modern world. In the first post we illuminated a little on stress, it’s external and internal sources.  Incorporating the Reiki precepts or principles into your life can be extremely transformative, on a day to day level in terms of bringing some consciousness to how we react or respond to everyday things including stressors but also on a long-term basis in terms of our thinking patterns and behaviours.

The principles can mean different things to each of us theoretically so it’s worth meditating on them and engaging with them, seeing what they mean to you and practicing applying them in real terms in your daily life.  Below we look at the first precept which is maybe a rather simplistic look at worrying.  Some might say it’s easier said than done to change our way of thinking and behaving but the purpose is to just bring your awareness to it and see if anything resonates with you enough to be a catalyst for change.

 1. Just for today, I will not worry.

Worry is feeling or causing to feel anxious or troubled about actual or potential problems and without positive action is a waste of your energy that does not change anything, except leading to further stress, anxiety, energy blockages and disharmony. It can cause an imbalance of the mind, body and spirit and create energy blockages and disharmony within. 

Obviously, our beautiful lives throw us a more than a few curve balls that we may find difficult to experience but as discussed in our first instalment about stress, how we experience stress is very subjective and personal to each person and it is how we respond to stress that determines whether we profit from misfortune or be miserable.   

For most of us, stress is an inherent part of our daily lives and for some of us it’s a major issue whether we experience this acutely or whether we are silently suffering from its’ chronic impact on our energy, physiology, mental and emotional states and our quality of life. Often, we are juggling and managing a whole myriad of calendars, appointments, meetings, shoulds, shouldn’ts, to do’s and problems to solve. 

So, if we cannot do something about a problem today then there is no point in worrying.  If we can do something about a problem today do it and then we will have no cause to worry.  If just for one day we could try to stop worrying so much, we could all live more peacefully which in turn, will also bring peace to others. Not to mention, the benefit to our health from lowering our stress.  

When we worry, we might forget that we are connected with the unlimited energy of reiki, its essence and all its potential, essentially to universal love.  Use Reiki to reduce your worries and improve your thinking patterns, the more we allow that energy to flow through us the more we become open to experience ourselves as part of a safe and loving universe. 

As difficult as it is, becoming more aware of ourselves can help us choose to have a brighter, more positive outlook thus creating a more positive mindset and give us the best chance at a more harmonious and joyful life.  Setting intentions as part of a Reiki treatment to see setbacks as opportunities to learn and grow, to become more light-hearted, or to self-heal are fantastic ways to help rebalance our mind body and spirit and our vibration to clear blockages and attract the right situations for us to experience and be in. 

So just for today, do what you can and then trust yourself and know that everything is going to work out.